Continuum Adaptor


Description / Link


To provide an interface to the legacy continuum APIs and systems






The service provides the following:

  • Token exchange from a journal to a libero authentication token.

  • Provisions and stores user records linked to continuum profile_id identifier

  • Gateway to profile information and role information from continuum APIs in a single REST response that can then be used by the consuming services and Reviewer Client.


The service accepts authentication via the GET /authenticate/:token route. The token is verified using the journal jwt secret (continuum_jwt_secret in configuration). The continuum profile_id is used to retrieve a separate application user id (UUID). If a user is not found, then a new one will be provisioned and linked via a record in the identity table with type elife .

A new token is then signed with the application_jwt_secret configuration value and a redirect response to the login_return_url is made with the encoded token as part of the URL hash. The token format is:

    "sub": "63bc7396-0a26-42d6-975d-06f881abe130",
    "issuer": "libero",
    "jti": "4612c811-2121-45f8-819e-a5644fe18f87"

The sub field corresponds to the user id. All fields follow the OpenID Connect standard.

User Profile and Role Information

The service provides the route GET /current-user to combine information from the continuum profiles and people APIs. After verifying the libero token, the service retrieves the related profile_id from the database and proceeds to call the continuum APIs. The returned data structure is as follows:

    "id": "63bc7396-0a26-42d6-975d-06f881abe130",
    "name": "Joe Bloggs",
    "role": "author"

The name is taken from the profile API under the name.preferred field, while the role comes from the people API under the field.


  • Storage format

  • Example Code see continuum-auth

FROM xxxx

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